Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Moving Blogs To My Website...

Thank you to everyone that has taken the time to read my blogs. If you are looking for more... you can find new blogs on my website! Check it out! I look forward for you comments on the site! 


Monday, October 29, 2012

Dwell in Possibilities

As the wind and the rain converse outside my window I ponder about the limitless possibilities, not only inside of me, but also all around me.

What would happen if I began to dream bigger then where I am? Would my thoughts and imagination create a space where everything around me undergoes a continuous change forcing my atmospheres to recede from one another; which in turn leads me to the land of endless possibilities to reside.

 Through all my ups and downs, creating my new sound, God has been good to me. My deep continues to cry unto deep! As he makes all things new in his time with in me; causing insecurities to silent themselves from speaking louder then my personality. I now have awareness because I have discovered the inside of me, giving me space that helped me to come into my own, becoming a living soul.  No longer will I wonder if I have wasted my time but knowing that I have more then just space but a new place for God to shine. I know who I am…

So what would happen, if I expanded my dreams beyond financial security? I guess we’ll just have to wait and see because I’m choosing to DWELL IN POSSIBILITIES!  You should join me! 

Monday, January 2, 2012

Deep Crying Out

What is this inside of me that longs for tranquility, wanting nothing but validity that will call froth the hidden power within me. I see a new dawn, a new day, a place and space of life that is not wasted away. My reality is substance, my life, and my companion… I have to move forward in the land of prosperity not just naturally but the inner path as a person that enables me to discover the essence of my being.  It is my calling that stirs inside of me as I hear God calling Demetria come closer, near to me,  to a place that has no boundaries and love that has no ending.  This is not just new beginnings; it’s the start of a period of time that has no termination.

I’ve lived, I’ve laughed, I’ve cried, but most importantly I... have… died…died to the notion of complacency of being average. Average can not be in my vocabulary, no…I am unique, fearfully and wonderfully made by a creator that sees the best in me. I have no limitations only favorable position.  My situations change because I will not accept stagnancy that can cripple my atmosphere or cause my coarse of journey not to develop in full capacity. I am open, I am ready, I am free to move ahead with no boundaries

What is this inside of me… the ultimate reality of determination to set the world ablaze. #2012