Thursday, September 22, 2011


The last few days have been very serial and peaceful, exception of the life, which is eternal, has settled into my very soul. The connection of my creator has come like a cool breeze in the afternoon sun. I walk with him as he talks to me and tells me, I am his own. The level of intimacy has unraveled me to great propensity. Like a dear breathes with short, quick breaths, from excitement over water, so does my inner being gravitate to the sound of his call.

I can’t get enough of the words he speaks gently over me that cancel every lie of the one who is opposed to my identity.  It’s his grace that has found me in the depth of uncertainty, lifting me up to fly in a realm of limitlessness.

I am in love; I am with great peace, as I draw close to his heartbeat. The sound of his rhythm, makes my heart sing of his great joy and life it brings.  I make melodies that drives away madness and brings enlightenment! The same God who created each molecule and atom, is the same God who loves me! Though I know he has many children, it feels like he only sees me. I am in awe of who he is, struck by a newness of feelings, that create an inventiveness. I am aware that I am his DNA.


  1. Wow your writing is beautiful and very inspiring.

  2. Wow, I got chills when I read this. Such poetic and beautiful language.
    Love Thora, Iceland

  3. Taking the time to read this post and sharing your comments means a lot and is so encouraging! Thank you!!

  4. Demetria .. I had planned on reading all of your blogs, but bcauz of the time I started with this one .. As I can see God has blessed you with many gifts .. Just as your singing relaxes me .. So does your words .. Your ink flows; soothing me so .. It is 4:25am, and now my mind feels quiet .. My lids heavy as I read, my limbs completely relaxed finally ready for sleep.. You really take the reader there .. Walking on sunshine; feeling untouchable joy .. A strength only God can give .. Such a beautiful thing! <3
    I will be back n looking 4ward to reading more of you! ((hugs))

  5. I am very grateful for your ministry! God bless you and lift up with His Almighty hands and give to you great strength and wisdom and many people who turn to Jesus.
    I hoipe that I will still to look you anywhere, oppose its that the Spiritualgifts already doesn't brodcast.
    God bless you and keep you!
    Best regards: Ferenc Karpule (from Hungary)
